Tuesday 12 January 2010

How D'ya Like Them Apples, Brucie?

So here we are, 2010, resolutions all firmly brushed aside already and sporting a nice new kite. I've got really fed up of reading all of this 'New Year, new beginnings' bullshit that you're force fed at this time of year, so I've decided to take this opportunity to forget about the beginnings and focus more on a particular shambles I would like to see finish: Bruce Forsyth's career.

How this man has lasted so long on our TV screens, talent tank as shallow as piss on concrete, is well and truly beyond me. I'd rather share a bath with Ian Huntley than listen to him coining the SAME catchphrases again and again in that voice which constantly sounds like he's about to sneeze. I think you've got the wrong end of the stick Mr Forsyth, it's definitely not nice to see you, to see you nice. Your endless amount of cringeworthy 'jokes' and pensioner's pin up persona aren't going to wash with me.

Let 2010 be the year when you call it a day on your oh so illustrious career. You should have bowed out gracefully after Play Your Cards Right, but no, here you are slobbering over Tess Daly and prancing around like a fairy at 81 years of age. It would be one hell of a Brucie Bonus if you would just do one. Why can't you just jack it in and play a bit of bingo or dominos like the majority of people your age? Go and talk about the war or how cold it's been recently with Albert and Margaret. How d'ya like them apples, Brucie?

Moving away from the negativity, my new year was actually quite good. Jaunt down at Cosmic Ballroom was class as per usual, and this resulted in many a fine mess at the after party. A special mention needs to be made for a good friend of mine who can only be described as 'pulling the faces of 5 years ago'. Definitely got his £10's worth that lad. Go on son, give us your best Bruce Forsyth impression.

I'm still hammering the hip hop as much as the House music these days. Had the time over Christmas to have a browse through some of my older CD's and had the pleasure of rediscovering Gangstarr. DJ Premier is the best producer in hip hop ever in my opinion, whilst Guru is definitely in my top 3 lyrically. This is just a small sample of their talent: